If you want to be more successful in any area of your life, one of the first things you have to do is increase your awareness.
Well, because, if you ignore
Let's jump right into this one...
I got the following email from a client a few days ago:
"I have a question Jim,
You and other people in the dating & pick up
Success with women is built on several paradoxes...
For example, is it better to be a jerk or a wimp?
It's better to be GENTLE (softer side) AND a MAN (rougher side)...
I got another excellent, fun question from a top client recently...
Here's what Eric D. asked (click here to skip to my response):
"Hi Jim,
I have been subscribed to your newsletter since
I got a great question from a client the other day...
Here's what he wrote in:
"Hello Jim,
I am greatly enjoying your newsletters and have a really good question, although I am
There's ONE thing that, even if you do everything else right, can absolutely demolish your chances with a woman...
And, if you eliminate that one thing, you will do much better
I get several emails a week from guys all around the world that sound something like this:
"I asked a woman out for Sunday and I asked her what time works
Imagine that you're sitting at a coffee shop on your first date with a very attractive woman and you're really starting to hit it off with her...
She's laughing at all
In terms of your long-term success with women, this could be the most important article you ever read...
Because if you don't completely buy into the idea of being a challenge