One of my top clients sent me the following email:
I have a hypothetical question regarding your advice on how to handle her tests. There is a girl that I am
Did you know that women are attracted to the source of strong emotions?
That's why they're sometimes attracted to a "jerk" for a minute:
He makes her FEEL SOMETHING...
...until she realizes he's
I got a question from one of my top clients a while back that went something like this:
"Hey Jim, it seems like there's a fine line between leading/taking action and
If you waste time and energy doing things that don't help you attract the right woman for you it can prevent you from experiencing the ultimate success and happiness with
Let's say you had a great conversation with a woman and managed to get her number one fine evening...
Then, after waiting a few days (well done), you text her to
In order to attract a woman, especially if you want to be in a long-term relationship with her, you must be able to build an emotional connection with her.
And, in
If you've ever had a woman leave you or cheat on you then you know exactly how bad it can be...
Not only can it make you depressed for months, take away your confidence,